Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is the abuse crisis in the Catholic crisis a " crisis not a paedophile crisis"?

The way I see it, it is neither a "ual" nor a "pedophilic" crisis. It is, rather a crisis of conscience and morality. While it is very, tragically, true that the initial crime was that of pedophilic ults on children, the crimes which seem to have permeated the leadership are the crimes of concealment, the crimes of refusing to intervene in a meaningful way, the crimes of lying to colleagues and congregants, the crimes of turning a blind eye -- all crimes committed against persons, as well as against the church insritution itself. It was a criminal culture of arrogant deception in which the pedophilic crimes occurred, a culture which protected the guilty, abandoned the innocent, denied the witnesses, and soiled the faith of many, many faithful. The pedophiles should be removed from society and locked away, and they should be joined in prison by their protectors and benefactors. Never again should violent incompetence be tolerated.

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