Friday, August 12, 2011

What can I do to spider/bug proof my room?

Plesseee help! I'm tired of being scared and calling my siblings and parents to squish/kill the bugs! And I don't like them killing it either I just wanna get rid of them!! They scare me sooo much ESPECIALLY spiders and earwigs and bees (rarely bees get in the house; well not in my room anyways). And uhh my room is partly underground. we have a like a hill in the "backyard" and my bedroom window is wide and it's like "on the ground". So Seriosuly PLEASE help me. Summer is coming and all the spiders will come! Not just like daddy long legs but HUGE SPIDERS. One time there was one that was like bigger than my dad's hand! It was black and had a yellow diamond or spot on the back. And one more thing; Any black widows in Rhode Island?

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