Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Do non-Feminist ladies flirt less with other men than Feminist ladies...?
I don't think flirtations have anything to do with being a feminist. I am a non-feminist, and I don't flirt with anyone other than my significant other. actually most feminists I know are s, and they flirt with each other a lot, but again, I don't think it has something to do with being feminist. it's just a different issue.
Who would be wilder in bed? Fearne Cotton or Cat Deely?
I reckon Cat would be better in bed but I got a thing for Fearne, I dont think she is inncocent as she looks
Who inspired Carl Sagan?
Many of today's leading scientists herald Carl Sagan and Jacob Bronowski as characters that helped blossom their enthusiam for science. Did Carl have any mentors as such? Who?
I binged for 2 weeks how much damage?
i got sick for a week so i binged then through lazyness and the toughness of getting back to healthy lifestyle i binged some more. like crazy. it was stupid and i regret it especially since before these 2 weeks i was being healthy, excercising and lost 8 pounds in a month. how much more or less could i have gained? is it mostly water weight and will i be able to loose some pounds within the next 2 weeks ??
What should a Technical Design Doent contain for a Software Project?
I was looking for a comprehensive template for a Technical Design Doent, would you happen to know what should a doent contain and what should it not. Should a remote Programmer be able to develop the software just by using information from this doent? Should it contain Activity Diagrams, or Flowcharts or algorithms? Thanks for your answer.
I saw my son-in-law kissing another woman?
I have a secret My son-in-law works in chicago and commutes daily. About a week ago I was in chicago visiting an Art Gallery with my friend, and when we went to catch the coach back to our home town I got the shock of my life when I saw my new son-in-law at the coach station, obviously waiting to catch the same coach as us, kissing and cuddling another woman! I was routed to the spot and hid out of view where I watched him board the coach. The woman waved her off and was blowing kisses as the coach pulled away. he didnt see me. I have suspected for some time that he was having an affair. The person he was kissing is definitely not a relative and you dont kiss and cuddle friends in that manner. I think it must be someone he works with. My daughter would be devastated if she knew. I wish now I had had the courage to walk up to him when he was with this woman, but I was in shock. My daughter trusts this man implicitly but I have always thought he was a liar. Can anyone suggest anything? I have no proof of the affair, apart from what I saw that day.
What does it mean when a 3 year old little girl steals?
my daughter's youngest daughter stuck some cookies in her coat jacket today at target, and we did not discover it until we got in the car. of course, her mother marched her into the store, made her apologize and give the package of cookies back. she then disciplined her and reprimanded her sharply. this is not the first time the child has taken something that is not hers. she previously took something from the mother's day out and was punished for that, as well. is this something she is ingrained to do? we are concerned that she is very young to be already so sneaky.
About the moussad of the world war II.....?
Ill and old? Did the Nazis spare their victims because of that reason? Should m murder be forgiven? The Mos-sad has helped to bring criminals to justice.
What game can i play that's like cs 1.6 but free and easy to get a hold of?
Soldier Front bears a lot of similarities to cs. a href="http://sfront.ijji.com/" rel="nofollow"http://sfront.ijji.com//a
I love these shirts!?
Hey... I really like the shirts with like the scroll, fleur, winged or cross styles like at rue 21.. but i can't find them anywhere to buy except at rue21.com and they don't offer online shopping.. does anyone know where to find these shirts preferably cheap?? Thanks!
I need help with a 305 CI Engine?
Well i got 2 new engines and one im building im just gonna rebuild and sale the other im going to build up and put in my 95 s10 i was wanting to know what crankshafts will fit in a 305 to make it a stroker motor cause i already know that if you boar the cam to .045 that it will run like a 350 so anyone wana help me?
Car boot sales - haggling???
Most people will want something for nothing at a car boot so, make sure that you make it really clear that it is for charity - have some pictures of your chosen charity around - that might encourage people to pay what you are asking!! Good luck - you are a braver woman than me!
Any way to find miis without searching forever?
from the 100 obamas, 50 mjs, and for some reason 13 billy mays i found 3 angs, 1 l and whoopi goldberg. how can i find specific miis without having to search 10 pages of repeats made by a plethora of people?
Why does God not like gay people?
So in the bible it God says that gayness is a sin.........So is being gay a sin or is only engaging in a act a sin? What exactly does it say in the bible about this? Does Judaism say gayness is a sin as well? What about Islam? Would God believe gayness you are born with or is it a choice? Also, someone told me that maybe people later put inthe part about gay people and God didnt say it could that be true? How do we even know that the bible is the exact word of God?????? It is 2000 years old couldn't it get messed up or lost in translation by then?
Do evolutionists understand the complexity of DNA?
The scientific reality of the DNA double helix can single-handedly defeat any theory that umes life arose from non-life through materialistic forces. Evolution theory has convinced many people that the design in our world is merely "apparent" -- just the result of random, natural processes. However, with the discovery, mapping and sequencing of the DNA molecule, we now understand that organic life is based on vastly complex information code, and such information cannot be created or interpreted without a Master Designer at the cosmic keyboard.
Supernatural Season 1: Gag Reel?!?
Where do you find the Supernatural Season 1 Bloopers on the DVD Box set? I have Season 3 and the bloopers are right at the end. I can't seem to find them on the Season 1 ... Help Please!
What would Chuck Liddell do if he went to mcdonalds and they shorted him a mcnugget?
he has been one punch KO'd so many times lately that he probably wouldnt even realize that he got shorted
Can you help me with my ipod touch 2g problems?
I jailbroke my ipod 2 days ago because my warranty was up anyway. I did something where the ipod had to be resprung, and it never came back on! I reset it and the apple symbol shows up. It will never go to the home screen.I plugged it in and itunes recognizes the ipod but it cant back it up or anything.How can I get it back to normal? twice I could see my home screen for about a millisecond and then back to the apple symbol. The load sign is up too but it freezes sometimes. Did I ruin my ipod!?!?!? please help and youll get 10 pts
I'm going to Vegas, what should I wear?
OK, I went to Vegas for an "academic-related" convention right after I turned 21. The problem was, none of my friends were 21 so I sat around and gambled a lot but wasn't able to go out at night. Now that all my friends are 21, we're going over the 4th of July weekend. I generally consider dressing up as jeans and a polo, and dressing down as jeans and a tee shirt. I'm not saying I have no style, I have just become too comfortable in the college life where no one cares what you're wearing. I am not looking to hook up with a bunch of randoms or attractive high cl prostitutes either, but who doesn't like a little extra attention in sin city? Thanks for the input!! I prefer advice from the female gender haha. What would you want to see a guy wearing in Vegas?
Annoying friend, with nothing else to say nice?
Ive got this friend whos always putting me down, everything i say she has something bad to put in about it, she dosent like my husband because he isnt australian, we went shopping for bathers and i cant wear a bikini so in was looking for something with a sarong and a singlet top and she goes oh F that you should be able to wear what you wish, then she gets all huffy because i use a credit card in my husbands name saying oh arnt you fortunate to have a tab anyways we have a shop and oneday she was whinging about she didnt have much money and she needed some things, i said come to my shop you can get what u need there when ur broke i dont ,mind, she starts yelling and screaming at me saying you think i need food, you think i cant pay for things and saying its okay for me because i never have to pay for anything anymore. We went out once and she tried to tell me my husband was looking at another woman, which is crap, and im sick of calling her to go to dinner and she cant, she says im studying, then the next week she calls me a million times annoying the hell out of me and asking me to come with her everywhere, she dosent even pay me back when i buy her something even if its a tail never she offers to pay anything. what do i do? and why is she like this? I dont have alot of friends and i know her for so long?
Replacement CD/stereo for 2002 Dodge Durango SXT?
Considering purchasing a used 2002 Dodge Durango, but before I do, I want to know a good site to buy CD/stereos that will specifically fit the unusually shaped dash. Also wondering if a later model Durango CD/stereo will fit the 2002 model. Also, wanting to make sure that the new CD/stereo supports MP3's/WMA's. If I get the Durango, I would need to get this stereo installed professionally, so national businesses that sell/install such aftermarket creatures would be appreciated as well. I'm not really a car person, so I'm at a loss on where to begin.
1o point for answering this.......be quickkkkkkkkkkkkkkk?
a 40 year old woman at my office used to say that i m her best frd...i knew she wanted to use me for her extramarital affair dates and all but when i told her directly that dont involve me she started abusing me n i cutted off with her...since 4 months personal file of an employee was missing and 3-4 people were finding it but we didnt find it anywhere manager hrd said she will issue warning letter to the guy (he is 50 urs old) he is the custodian of files. today i cud'nt find 1 paper and when i took out my drawer i found the file lying vertical to the other side of 2 drawers ....i immediately informed my boss about it ........hr manager called all of us and that 40 yrs old woman was happy that i will be scolded but manager hrd just smiled and said everybody must be carefull regarding files and it shudnt happen again and we all left.......... was that 40 year old disappointed? i left the room with a laugh ans so she was more disappointed....please p honest comments on this
Good recipe for cooked llama?
I need to saute up some llama for tonights dinner. Any good recipes?? I need this for tonight. It was in high demand in the house.
Going to the Upper East Side...?
If you are under 21, you can totally forget about drinking in a bar or restaurant in NYC....totally forget about it. The establishment can lose its liquor license, and that license cost them at least $100,000. So they're not going to take any kind of chance on serving anyone who can not doubly prove they're of legal age to drink. As a matter of fact, some places have their own age restriction, i.e., having to prove that you're at least 25 years old, or some other age beyond 21.
Inquest Into The Death Of Princess Diana?
Deliberately causing an accident is a very clumsy way of committing murder.How could 'they' know if the result would be fatal?How would 'they' know that Diana & Dodi would not be wearing seat-belts,or the driver would travel at such speed? There are far too many improbables to make a case for murder.It was a preventable accident,plain & simple.
My TV wont work (makes me sadface)?
ok. so i have a Samsung TV (i know there are a lot of problems with them) that i have had for about 3 years now. a few days ago it just stopped working right. i turn it on and i will hear the voice of the channel im on for about a second and then it will turn itself back off. any suggestions on what to do? (please nothing stupid like "Hit it with a sledge hammer" or "Shoot it" serious suggestions only)
In a British Army Fireteam, why does only the NCO have a UGL?
I noticed that a fireteam nominally has two L85's one with a UGL, one without, followed by a Minimi and an L86. Is this strictly enforced or is there a lot of swapping about depending on who's on patrol? Does anyone know why both L85's aren't issued a UGL?
Do you think some people oversimplify depression and it's impact?
thoughts. apparently you r the one that hasnt been in some situations than others are. yes there can be alot of help counslers, therapy,phycatrist,meds, friends,family,GOD. but not all people have the ability to get help even with family support. some have severe mental illenesses that not even they can control.its unexplainable and hard for someone that dosent have mental issue to understand. its not the right thing to do it is a permanent solution for problems people can solve. yes it is being selfish but people are so unsatisfied with thier lives and refuse and dont seek solution some are able to have the abilities well some dont. we are not all the same.in reality thier not thinking of other because thier soo caught up in thier own problems. its hard for them. two different worlds. normal and the unexplainable. i just hope that if anyone try to commit suicide i hope they have the support from other. some people around just think thier stupid when in reality the person that dosent support um are stupid. i have a husband that attempted suicide and has thoughts of suicide understand this is something not in some people control. my husband is paranoid schizophrenia life time disease and its not a joke he did not choose to be like that and didnt have control i was the one in my right mind to seek help. no its not his fault its an illeness that take contril of the mind.they have no sense at all. and it dosent go away over night he is on 7 differ meds and injection i pray to GOD he will get better yes da meds are working slowly but then again life time desease. so i know he'll be on meds for the rest of his life. he sleep alot but i rather have him sleeping then dead. well thats my though hope it helped on persons wanting to commit sucide its not easy for some
Fear of getting sick on roller coasters?
I have a really bad phobia of puking and next week i'm going to Six Flags with my friend and she said she goes on any roller coaster. I've been on a few but i'm afraid of going on El Toro and Nitro because of the really steep drops. I hate the feeling of getting sick and that's the ONLY reason why i'm afraid to go on big ones. Help?
Shouldn't we acknowledge the fine job the RNC has done with tactics to confuse the public?
In republican circles, Michael Steele is loathed, and for good reason. I am not a republican, but if I had someone as arrogant as him, I would want him out too.
In The novel Dersu the Trapper, What environmental concerns does Arseniev raise?
How do the Russians, the Chinese and others treat the land? What dangers are present for the flora and fauna of Siberia?
Wwe Fantasy Raw results. Fantasy Unforgiven aftermath plus much more. What u think?
This is a reminder that this is just for fun & in no way bashing wrestling. Consider this as a version of Celebrity Deathmatch. We begin the show with Wwe Champ Tony The Tiger in the ring. Last night at Fantasy Unforgiven after beating that jobber Snoopy someone on the screen made threats against me. Whoever u are have some guts & tell me who u are! The lights once again turned off & the screen turned on. He's coming Tony! he will not reveal himself just yet. U going to have to suffer for a few weeks before u find out who it is but if i where u i would look behind me right now. As Tony turned around an angry Snoopy hit him with sick chairshot knocking him out. YOU SOB! Snoopy yelled. What goes around comes around. He picked up Tony & tried to hit him with a pedigree but Jabba came to the ring & Snoopy left the ring laughing at Tony as we went to break. We now go to the first match as Wwe Cruiserweight Champ Slimey defended vs Hot Dog. It was a good opener. We will brb wtith part 2
Why is my Electricity Bill so High?
ther can be many reasons for energy lose . You could check the AC ducts to see if they have any leaks . put a timer on the hot water heater , make sure there are no leaks around windows , doors , hatches , etc . check the age of the unit itself . insulated windows . how is the home made . if you have a fire place , the air could get through the flue . check every nook and cranny for any leaks at all , carpeted floors or tile ..etc
Monday, August 15, 2011
England lineup? Steven Gerrard any good? Why cant England play as a team :S?
I still haven't made my mind up wether Stevie G is any good for england any more? would like to know other peoples opinions on the rundown of regular line up and England vs Kazakhstan other day. Why do all our players seem to suck when playing for national side? i mean, they are all pretty big names individually but they never gel well together :S thoughts?
Plz help me anyone plz asolve this problem of mine?
i was in luv with a girl. We were in distance relationship. We both r committed. Even we want to marry. We used to talk daily. she was the motivation for me. she met a guy in her life there. she bacame close to him she talk to him roam with him. and at night she talked to me. i want to have her time to b focussed in studies but she frequenly roam with him. i didnt like tht sometimes i restricted her but then she hardly listen to me. One day i came to her n saw her mobile n get to know tht she shared a kiss with him. i rebuked her badly but pardoned her. then i restrictd her tht she rarely talk to tht guy. after a month she told me that she smooched him and she felt tht guy touching her feeling her smooching her daily even in those days wen i used to call her n care for her. She didnt had except she had everything. Just tell me shud i pardoned the girl . And even that guy too ask for forgiveness, and asking pardoned me too but he didnt told me anyting.he said dont snatch her frm me as i restricted her to restrain all realtion with him. wht sud i do
Newfoundland owners, apartment or no?
I have a Rhodesian ridgeback (100#) and I live in a pretty big apartment and I dont have any trouble. It is alot of hle to get them out for alot of excersize though. If you and your fiance' work together, it shouldnt be a problem. Just try and get a couch potato one. If you buy one that is full of energy, your kinda screwed.
Need some Holocaust movies besides these?
I've seen The Pianist, Schindler's list, the boy in striped pyjamas, the great escape, escape from sobibor.. don't want to see the holocaust mini series, know any other holocaust movie that focuses on the holocaust itself? I don't want too much love stories and no action please, need some more good movies like that.
How to apologize to my girlfriend for ditching her while she's annoyed?
I used to get like this all the time. Does she have mental disorder? I was diagnosed as having severe anxiety & panic attacks. It became so bad that my husband & I filed for divorce! I was put on medication & my whole perspective on life in general has improved. I am happier with all aspects of my life. I don't get upset over things I can't control. I even had the motivation to feel like my life meant something & I went back to school for my degree. Ask her to see a doctor. She might need medication! It could help out a lot! I'm living proof!
I found a painting mid ocean and the artist is gg reynaud 1929.is it a real painting are a copy?
at the left hand bottom corner is has1927 with a c circled and on the right hand bottom corner it has a square with an A M P around it and CH-GO under neath
Is it bad I cry on like every movie I watch?
Why would it be bad? Lol I almost teared while watching disney pixars "up". I thought it was gonna be funny,it was sad.
Kayne West...from his perspective does it look like the world is coming apart?
I can only imagine from his perspective that his world has fallen apart! He recently lost his mother, who I suspect was his world perse, so he is definitely going to need a lot of time in order to heal a little bit.
Who love or hate my countryman?
Are you? Why or why not? Click my picture.please. Then you would know what my homeland is. And, write down, Where are you from. please.
Im gonna die?
im 15. i wanted to see my gramma today now i cant because my mom wont let me use her phone. im also grounded becuz i ditched a cab last nite and didnt pay for it. i almost went to jail but my mom talked the cab driver out of it. help i want to see my gramma. i miss her. i hate my mom. she is a *********
Spirit Airlines from Ft lauderdale to Santo Domingo Thursday Aug 28, 2008?
Im flying Spirit Airlines from Ft lauderdale to Santo Domingo Thursday Aug 28, 2008. Do you guys think that the flight will get delayed or cancelled due to rain and very bad weather.
Miley cyrus nude role?
So Miley Cyrus is going to be nude in the movie Undiscovered Gyrl. How fun.. She has soo many "dirty" things out there already this won't be a stretch. lol how about this. 10 points to the person who can link the most outgoing photo of Miley!
What exactly is the "Arab Cause"?
I keep hearing references to it, but cannot find a substantial explanation. The president of Egypt won a prize for furthering the "Arab Cause". Saddam Husein is considered a martyr for the "Arab Cause". What exactly is the meaning of that phrase, though?
Body help please!?!?!?!?
Okay your weight is totally fine...good job on that! If you want to get rid of those belly roles, just start doing some ab exercises. You can't just lose weight in your stomach because its impossible to focus on a specific area to lose. However, by doing more abs, you can tighten up your stomach, there decreases the rolls on your stomach. Eating whole grains, lots of fiber, fruits and veggies, and especially eggs can help with this process. Good luck:)
Anyone ever read The Squaw by Bram Stoker?
This question is in reference to the sidestory that was told by the American tourist to the young couple. He mentioned a "half-breed" (I ume he meant half Native American, half Caucasian) whom they called Splinters because of something he did to a Squaw's papoose. I have read the page numerous times, and can not understand what exactly he did to earn the nickname (though from the context, I gather it was something horriffic). Can someone please shed some light on this subject? Thank you!
GUYS plz answer I need advice and tips!?
I need advice of your own opinions of girls and how I can be more attractive and wanted to be with by men but not too showy please answer!:)
I need a boy name for my baby?
i dont want a common name...i try looking online for name but still cant think of any...HELP...wat do you guys think about Skyler...or Romeie....or give me a name
I have been friends with the same kid since 11th grade and then we became best friends,im very very outgoing so i starting brining my "best friend" out in high school to a couple of partys here and there,he was a homebody very lonely and reserved i figured id be a good friend and take him out,i took him out nobody knew who he was even though we went to the same highschool,now im currently in college,im getting sick of my friend,he copied my clothes,my haircut,even the music i listen too,and trys to hang out with one of my friends that i hangout out with all the time,cant you get youre own friends i made my own by myself and i have alot..just this is wrong,he copyed my whole entire style,talks like me,listens to my music,im getting sick of it just be yurself.. is it me or wouldnt that piss you off also. sometimes he thinks hes cooler then me now also,even though hes still a ******* loser in my eyes,since i basiaclly made him into who he is today.
Should the U.K try and encourage one genous identity and culture for us all to identify with?
Cultural relativism coupled with unprecedented m migration and socialist thinking has brought great changes to the United kingdom in a relatively short space of time,most would say far too quickly,is it not time for us to identify with being people of a nation with shared values,traditions and tolerance. a href="http://youtu.be/n9DG8Vw5sCA." rel="nofollow"http://youtu.be/n9DG8Vw5sCA./a We need to pull together as one nation,not fragments of differing cultures in conflict with one another.
Unlike the other elements, noble gases are relatively inert.?
When noble gases do react, they do not follow the octet rule. Why does the valence electrons of Xe in the Lewis structure for the molecule XeO2F2, not follow the octet rule?
How do I make the best of Auckland New Zealand in 12 hours?
I will be in Auckland, New Zealand for 12 hours (long layover). I want to go and explore, but I don't know what to do, and how to do it! If anyone knows the area and can direct me to shuttle/tram services, and a list of places to go, it would be great!
Pls. recommend Israel travel itinerary for 5 days?
Pls. recommend the most optimal Israel travel itinerary from Tel Aviv Nov 1-Nov 5. To see what`s must! Thanks!
V for Vendetta movie.... ?
Basically he is saying that he is dressed as he is because it is his fate to hunt down the corrupt politicians who keep people in the dark and have his revenge on them for the evil they have done.
How can I replace the top on my McDowell & Craig steel tanker desk?
The desk originally had some sort of top glued to it. There is a little aluminum band around the edge that this top sat in. The easiest method that has been suggested to me so far is stick on floor tiles. I've also considered linoleum. Both of these will have an undesired texture. If I use gl or a piece of wood then I will have to remove the little band that's on there. I don't want to change it. I want to make it functional again. Any suggestions on how to put a top on it that will be like the original. If I can't figure it out soon I'm just going to use the ghetto sticky tiles.
Were the Nazis complicit in the Reichstag fire of 1933?
I know the question is still debated and there seems little hope of a conclusive answer. But I'd welcome opinions.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Can religion be viewed as a sort-of "reverse-psychology" through "positive-affirmations"?
There you go, using that word "religion" again. As though it means something specific. If you want to protect your mind you better start really studying the Bible.
Why was my wife so upset with her birthday gift?
you're a jerk. a big fat pompous jerk. that is all i have to say.....................................…
Should i go rollerblading now?
Well, I suggest that you go rollerblading to relax. No one can study effectively for too long, so just go ahead.
Any comments on my poem?
I actually like the line "Something is formed in the taste of its own bitterness" best. I think I would spell out all the "2"s in the first stanza. Is there a way to develop the "taste" imagery more instead of using the combination of so many ideas? An extended metaphor would be nice. Like how an oyster forms a pearl, but you could combine your mirror images with it so it doesn't turn into a cliche.
Spiritually speaking, did?
yahoo change their policy? The lvl 3 account my friends and I use is suspended, but instead of the "OoOps you got ed" message it won't let anyone log in...as if the username never existed.
A logical proof that the Christian God doesn't exist.?
God is omnipotent but yet he is surprised when Adam and Eve eat from his uber extra special tree.....
Why is it so important that Mary was a virgin?
She was a virgin? I guess to show the importance of Jesus. It's not a feat that can be duplicated, you know. Or, done at all, for that matter.
Any good Teen Romance Books?
You might like any of the books written by Robin McKinley, they are all wonderful. Garth Nix's Abhorson trilogy is enjoyable. I am absolutely in love with Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder (and the two following books Magic Study and Fire Study.) And of course, as you said, you can't go wrong with clics. If you liked Pride and Prejudice (which is also my favorite book of all time) you might like Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion. I, personally, liked Persuasion a little better. Jane Eyre is an amazing novel as well as Wuthering Heights. If you want adventure, you could read The Count of Monte Cristo. Fahrenheit 451, and 1984 are also great sci-fi novels.
When to workout and whill this help me loose weight?
i think as a girl u should not work out every day.......u should let ur bones rests..u should maybe work out at least every other day of the week
If the election becomes one of race who stands to gain and why?
Talking up race or even recognizing the racial challenges of living in America brings more peril to Obama than talking up gender does for Hillary."
Hinduism and Ghandi Essay?Info Please!?
Gandhi wasn't a leader of Hindu religion, he was the leader for an Independent India (Independence from the British rule), but he used the Hindu concepts and ideas of non-violence (ahimsa) and peaceful rebellion to help acheive that goal.
How to tell if a girl likes me?
So theres this girl that i met a little over a week ago and that may seem really soon but check this out... ever since i hung out with her the first time, i have hung out with her everyday since then. Most the time not alone but we were by ourselves a couple times too... She seems like she flirts with me and only me a lot. For example she loves to grab my lanyard and keys out of my pocket and she will wear it and stuff. It seems like shes "proud" i guess you would call it when shes around me and whenever shes not with me, she will send me messages and such about how shes sad and how she is having all these problems but as soon as we see each other they all go away... She loves my parents and she also has introduced me to hers. She writes on my hand and sometimes touches me (not anywhere serious, but just on the arm or shoulder or something) But then, at the same time, she is telling her best friend who I'm pretty close to too that she doesn't like me as anything more than a friend... but she definitely treats me as more than a friend... i don't know what to do??? Should i ask her if she likes me and take the chance of making it awkward from then on, or should i just continue to stay friends for a little longer and see where it goes from there? Thanks
What is some good experimental music for me to check out?
I like bands like Mr. Bungle, Secret Chiefs 3, Estradasphere, Mars Volta, stuff like that. I also really like when bands genre swap in songs. What other experimental type music would you recommend to me?
Most under-rated gun in Modern Warfare 2?
I used the TAR for a long time, started using the ACR now. Actually now im playing Battlefield Bad Company 2. Id whip yo *** in MWF 2
For those who's religious beliefs influence the way they vote...?
would you view barack more negatively if he decided never to go to church again? i'm not saying if he stopped being a christian. i'm just saying doing away with an affiliation with anyone who could be construed as being a racist. if he came out and said he doesn't care to take his family to church anymore, but rather learn directly from the bible. would you think more of him, less of him, or would this announcement not affect your thoughts of him at all?
How can a country be democratic if there is no freedom of speech?
A Democracy or Democratic system of government is one in which the people, either directly (popular vote) or indirectly (ie electors) get to choose thier leaders. It has nothing to do with the right to free speech. In the U.S., we just happen to have the right to free speech, while also being a Democratic Republic. We're lucky enough to have both.
Why does my mother treat me so differently from my brother and sister?
Unfortunately, it sounds like your mom has some resentment about how you and your dad was closer rather then you and her. Sit down and talk to your mom about this and see what she has to say about this. Make an effort on your end to show her that you love her as well, like calling her, drop in on her unexpectedly, cook her a dinner. Most of all, let her know, maybe she has done this for so long that she is unaware of how you are feeling. Good Luck!
Please help me with my life..before i find it crumbled in pieces?
Well first of all you need to go to all the school gatherings that you can get to. Even though at first you arent going to like going to them because its going to be awkward and you are going to feel shy but after awhile you are going to get friends out of it and start to enjoy life more. Stay on the postive side man. Good luck to you. BE STRONG!!!!
Matt and Mello yaoi question?
uum, eeeww. that's gross, pal. don't really like bromance. its funny when some series use it as gags cuz its just for laughs. but this? uh-uh.
Anyone hear of BKM Security?
So I got a weird hit from careerbuilder, an email from a Spain based company called BKM Security. They want me to be one of 30 state side represenatives to process payments, saying that it takes too long for payments from their US customers to clear with the process they were formerly using. They are having their US customers send me their payments, at which point I deduct 10% for myself and then wire the rest to them. I was able to find their webpage, it's Danish. It just seems a little fishy to me, especially since they have yet to give me an account to transfer the funds to but I have already received my first check. I kinda don't want to deposit it at all unless I know I'm not involved in some kind of money laundering scheme. Let me know guys! Thanks alot.
Who will hire a wounded or partially disabled veteran if Obama's treatment scheme is ped into law?
It is really awful when you consider what a drop in the bucket 540 million is compared to the amounts given to ACORN to organize the community.
I had DCF called, they said they need to drug test?
im 20 years old and my family told me that if i didnt move out and do what they wanted me to do they would call DCF and try to get my daughter taken away. DCF just left my house and he had drug testing cups. i know he needs to drug test because my family made a bogus call about a report of drugs in the house. of course there are non that me or my fiancee know of but we take care of his lil brother who is in his teens and i dont know if he uses them or not. i just know there isnt anything going on and i work from home so i dont go out to work or anything. DCF said there was nothing wrong with the house the trash just needed to be takin out. now will he drug test just me or just me and my fiancee or everyone.?
What does it say about Obama's policies, when Castro want him to succeed.?
I totally agree. Don't forget that the socialist dictator of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, made the news last week by saying that he would now consider engaging the US in open dialogue, despite previously strained relations. With Castro and Chavez on Obama's buddy list, who's next, Kim Jong Il?
Compatibility chart!!?
All the compatibility chart is saying is that your planets and your partners planets form a square. A Square is Astrological terminology of the aspects. A square is present in a chart when two planets are 90 degrees from each other. Squares are roughly three Signs apart. Squares indicate friction and your planets located in your sun may cause problems with his, and your sun also may have problems with his venus. But don't take this information the wrong way just try it out and communicate with each other. No relationship is always perfect all its saying is there may be bumps in the road.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Y&R storyline suggestions?
I'm sorry i dont have a good imagination like you.. But heck your suggestions cant be any worse than what we have been seeing. You ought to be one of their writers..
Set up an inequality for...?
A cat food manufacturer uses fish and beef byproducts. The fish contains 12 g of protein and 3 g of fat per ounce. The beef contains 6 g of protein and 9 g of fat per ounce. Each can of cat food must contain at lease 57 g of protein and 39 g of fat. Find a system of inequalities that describes the possible number of ounces of fish and beef that can be used in each can to satisfy these minimum requirements. (x is the number of ounces of fish and y is the number of ounces of beef.)
Cheerleading questions!!?
Okay so i have cheer try outs coming up and my coach right now said that the regular spiriting like cmon team or like go big orange and stuff like that get old so what are some unique things i can say!!! i wanna wow the judges!!! My school Westwood Warriors and our colors are orange black and white. If there any tips you have please tell me!!! Im trying out for 9th grade cheer!!
Gui or similar for c++?
I need to represent some data for a program but I don't want to just use cout. Long ago, I could write and represent programs using ascii but I've forgotten how. Actual gui would be ok too, but it would need to be something that is installed by default with fedora linux.
Why are Cleveland Indians fans mad about the deal for Cliff Lee?
it was a good move for the Indians, but moving your best player is always a bad thing for most fans who dont understand what their getting. Besides, half the Cleveland fans probably shelled out 100+ dollars for a Lee jersey.
Any ideas for a 8 yr old girl who loves pretend play?
She loves dollhouses and playing house. I have bought her a dollhouse in the past but it didn't hold up (her lil cousins came tore it up) so I'm looking for something more sturdy. Any brand suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
When he says LOL what do i say?
This guy i kinda like and talk to a lot always says LOL k yea or no! And that is boring so im trying to think of a cute response to say that will liven up our conversation that isnt too random... any ideas?
Problems with gf sister?
Ok, so my gf and I are now engaged. I know this may sound terribly shallow of me but her younger sister of age 15 is so clumsy. I try not to get involved with matters that don't concern me but it agitates me. I have bought my gf many things, including televisions, ipods, computer software, exercise machines. Everyone one of these items somehow ends up broken by her sister. She is such a klutz. Recently, she tried plugging in a tv I gave my gf, and she couldn't reach the plug, she tugged on the cord and it fell down and won't work. But when confronted she claims she has no clue as how it doesn't work, etc. It bugs me even more, because my gf is always claiming that her sister will be living with us when we get married, because her own parents fight at times. I dont wan't this. Yet, she gets mad and claims I am trying to forcefully make her alienated from her sister. So help me Plz!?
What methods of detachment do you practice every day to keep you going? ?
If I have no expectations I will never be disappointed, but what good is detachment just because pleasure turns to pain. Better to enjoy it while you can and divie up the bill when it comes.
My big toe nails .............?
They are really hard and a bit yellow and underneath seems to be some smelly deposit. What is the problem? If fungus who has personally tried Vicks vapour rub and guarantee that it works? Does this indicate that internally one has some imbalance that needs correcting like yeast / candida (not sure what this is. How does one correct that oneself??
Is it worth using co2 on starter plants after the seedling stage is over?
I am getting ready to start tomato plants. I was wondering what the nursurys did to make their tomato plants stalks so and stout.I was guessing co2. If so, what other plants would substantially benefit from using co2.I have access to a co2 controller that constantly keeps co2 @1500ppm,along with the other atmospheric controllers.I have been having fun with this and am looking forward to getting my plants a head start.
Do you get flattered when people look up to you?
I will say this, I use to look up to this one guy I work with when I first was hired, because he reminded so much of myself, but two years older. Been at this place for 2 years now, and theres this kid who was recently hired, and I know he is doing the same. Looks at me while working, asking me questions about work. Such as how long have I been there, did this ever happen to you, etc. I was flattered at first, but now its just annoying as hell. Keeps talking to me, constantly asking me questions, saying "You were todays MVP!" He knows I love WWE, and pretends to be into it which he's not where he would say "do you smell what foley is cookin?".... the rock isnt even in the WWE anymore, and wrong wrestler anyways! Idk what to do. I want him to stop being obsessed with me. I dont mind if he talks to me, just not constantly when I walk by him. He is on the nerdy side, and I don't believe he has many friends... so idk. Im trying to be nice and talk with him, but it does get annoying.
Help with OBD II code PO304?
Hi, this code keeps coming up and I'm not sure what to do next. I have a 2001 Ford Taurus OHV 3.0 engine. I have already changed the coil, the spark plugs, and the plug wires. Does anyone have suggestions on what I would do next? I would really appreciate your help, because it keeps coming up. Someone told me to change the oxygen sensors, is this a good idea?
My cat has a URI now she has started to loose here balance when she walks, stands up to try and eat. Is this o?
My cat has a really bad head cold and now she has began to start to fall over (loose balance) if she trys to get up is this a symptom of a URI?? Ive been giving her antibiotics she hardly eats anymore i thought maybe the falling over would be because she is really weak but now she is geting more strength and she still is loosing her balance. what can cause a cat to loose there balance?
Travel to beautiful Mongolia?
wooo--hoooo i am gonna travel to Mongolia..wild nature beautiful scenes,i am excited..wat do you think about Mongolia, guys? i hope i will enjoy it lol..tell me more about Mongolia please..have you ever been there?
Por Una Cabeza arrangement for violin(s), piano, accordion?
I'm looking for a free score of Por Una Cabeza by gardel for one/two violins, piano, accordion, and a b (?). I'm flexible. anything that's remotely like this would work. I especially like the version played in Schindler's list. Does anyone know where I can find this free score? Thanks.
Witch one do you like best?
a href="http://www.dsw.com/dsw_shoes/catalog/product.jsp?index=170&category=cat20068&prodId=184372&brand=" rel="nofollow"http://www.dsw.com/dsw_shoes/catalog/pro…/a
Do people actually make money from trading?
Yes........a lot of people make solid 6 figure incomes trading stocks, using options, commodities, eft's, I have met several people that consistently make 15-20% ROI a month, see how many "investors" make that in a month.....to comment on another comment about taxes, sure you may pay more in taxes but that's only because your making awesome money. just start your own investment company and take advantage of the tax breaks of owning your own biz......have your board meeting in an exotic location and say it was a biz expense......buying and holding on to a stock maybe good for long term but if your like most people you need money NOW!!! Why not get 10% now a month then 10% a yr??? 120% ROI annually or 10% annually.......which makes more sense to you???
MYSPACE NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
my name is meagan and i need a new name something catchy and original right now it [meagan] thats boring and nothing with a bunch of symbols and stuff b/c thats trashy any ideas???
Do you thing the word 'Paki' is racist?
Its all about the way you say it. You can tell immediately if someone means it in an offensive way or not. It is people who changed its meaning. Like the word "" actually refers to someone who's parents weren't married when they were born. Unfortunately over time people started using the word in an offensive way.
Could this flatscreen be put on a wall (link included)?
Yeah, you either take the stand off and buy a reasonably cheap bracket from somewhere like B&Q or there's a kit already included, i'm 99.999999% sure you can cos thats one version down of my tv and slightly bigger
Why does the Aramaic word for "Sun" "Kham" appear in the Gypsy language?
Romani uses the word "Kham" for sun also, this is an ancient word used at the time of Christ in ancient palestine, could the Gypsies have been there at some point in ancient history?
Will the Indian bowlers be lethal VS Lakan batsman for all 5/5 ODI matches 2008?
I can't really picture the Indian pacers taking wickets in the ODI series. I will still cheer for them. But Harbhajan might get some istance from the pitch. If India want to win the ODI series, they have to rely on thier batsmen a lot more!
Q for Yahoo admins : is the MVC design pattern used in the programming behind Yahoo Answers?
I ask because I am a programmer, and I find it amazing that all of a person's info stays updated between all the different Yahoo apps (mail, YA, etc). Is the 'listener' or 'observer' methodology used to accomplish this? I know you can't give away code secrets, I am just curious about the underlying design pattern or architecture. Any answers are GREATLY appreciated.
IMO the NBA now is losing its appeal to me,i say this because the NBA is extremely unbalanced,from the east having about 4 official champion contenders to the west having the rest of the competition, its getting predictable from LA vs [winner of ECF] ending with LA winning the last 2 times,now players are forming power squads to get a ring [to me its less honorable than getting it with YOUR team rather than being a side-kick] thus killing the competition furthering the unbalanced nature of the league,to college/high-school prospects getting millions before an actual game[they're basically paying them for the potential,which they'll probably never reach cause of the cash just being thrown at them] instead of earning it as in jordan days, and now the latest trend is too switch teams, and for veterans to stay longer than their past due[sorta like brett favre syndrome,except favre can still play]im just saying at this rate the NBA is going to have dejavu every year unless theirs a drastic change.
What to wear?
It looks good but I'd prob change the undershirt to a white one cus black and navy is a bit of a dark combination. To liven it up I suggest Some cute gold pumps and a nice necklace =]
Ferret Questions:)???????
How old is your ferret? And ferrets sleep 10 to 18 hours a day depending on how much you give them attention. My little boy is very dull, lol. He is turning one in may and is low energy. My cats and dog gets my ferret excited. I also use a towel and cover him and he tries to attack it. So just like us every ferret has his or her own personality, You might just have a low energy ferret like me. I would also suggest try buying with bells on them and some small fuzzy cat toys.
Should I go to the doctor, or wait it out?
What's the dr going to do? You'd have to miss your period a lot longer before they'd give you drugs to bring it on. Just wait. Calm down.
How to return something from ebay?
i bought a knock off phone from jessca2008 on ebay. it says the reutrn policy wants me to complete the RMA form and sent it where though? then what do i do? hahaha so confused
Care to share examples of how the US military helps others?
Let's see...Honduras during the hurricane season, during that bad sunami, building houses, hospitals, schools in Iraq, we basically rebuilt germany after the war. Our military is deployed world wide helping other countries rebuild. Figure it out...war is the last thing that we want to do.
Where in/near Maryland can I purchase a Keel Bill toucan?
I would like to know where to purchase a Keel Bill toucan, approximately how much they cost, size of indoor cage requirements..as well as any other information you have....
Friday, August 12, 2011
Covering gray hair?
before yall say(uhuh! i'm not being vain,just wondering if anybody else feels like i do bout covering gray.i color mine with GUESS WHAT?) JUST FOR MEN! LIGHEST of light brown. i'm real tender with scar tissue moreso female colors burn scald.looks as good or better! also i feel young & simply not ready to be gray.
Is m effect 2 suitable for a 15 year old?
It's a 12 in the UK. The ual scene, you don't even see anything, and I don't remember any drug usage
I would like to find out if a Van Gogh I bought has any value?
I am aware of all the Van Gogh sunflowers replicas out there but I bought this oil painting at an estate sale it's signed Vincent on the front and the back is stamped in red ink VT385 Van Gogh: Sunflowers 18x24 it appears to be older the frame and paper on the back showes age. Does anyone know how to find out if this has any value?
Collision repairs, OEM parts or Aftermarket?
look around for deals on OEM parts. some websites like Newtakeoff.com have deals. also, what kind of car?
What can I do to spider/bug proof my room?
Plesseee help! I'm tired of being scared and calling my siblings and parents to squish/kill the bugs! And I don't like them killing it either I just wanna get rid of them!! They scare me sooo much ESPECIALLY spiders and earwigs and bees (rarely bees get in the house; well not in my room anyways). And uhh my room is partly underground. we have a like a hill in the "backyard" and my bedroom window is wide and it's like "on the ground". So Seriosuly PLEASE help me. Summer is coming and all the spiders will come! Not just like daddy long legs but HUGE SPIDERS. One time there was one that was like bigger than my dad's hand! It was black and had a yellow diamond or spot on the back. And one more thing; Any black widows in Rhode Island?
Madame Tussuad's Wax Museum or Ripley's Believe it or Not in NYC?
My Friend and i (15 and 16 years old) are going to NYC tomorrow and we want to go to the Wax museum or Ripley's believe it or not. We can only go to one. Any HELP. is one better then the other?!?
Microsoft Paint copy and paste problem?
That seemed to happen on mine back when I only had 256meg RAM and was playing games for awhile. The only fix that seemed to work was just rebooting. Since I upgraded to 2 gig RAM, I do not recall it happening again.
Nervous/Concerns about Winter Camp?
So I'm a sopre in high school and a friend of mine (who goes to summer camp every summer) has invited me to go with her to her camp for what they call "winter" camp. Its 10 days, starts the day after christmas, and its basically summer camp in winter. You get to ski, do all kinds of fun winter stuff, and its like a shorter, cheaper, but fun version of summer camp. I REALLY want to do it. It sounds like a lot of fun, I'd get a lot of cool experiences, and I really think it would be good for confidence/character building. And my mom is totally on board (and willing to pay for it). But today while talking to my friend about how rustic the camp is (which is mostly a good thing) I found out that the shower rooms are like wide open with no privacy (like at school, but we never actually have to shower there). I know it probably sounds really immature, but this is scaring the crud out of me, and making me considering not going. I know it "shouldn't" be a big deal, and it used to be everyone had to do that kind of thing, but I'm just really, really scared about it, and not sure I could do it. Does anyone have any perspective or advice??
I have sensitive ears...can I wear these earrings?
I got a cute pair of earrings from Nordstrom Rack for 9 USD. Before I bought these, I have been wearing the same pair of hypoallergenic earrings my pediatrician gave me when I got them pierced at her office. I clean them daily. The earrings say "Sterling Silver" and "Cubic Zirconia". I have pretty sensitive ears. Do you know if I'll be able to wear them?
Well it's a baritone so you're always going to be playing in lower tunings (B-standard and lower), and you're always going to have heavier gauges on it, that's the whole point of a baritone. I have an Ernie Ball Baritone and I generally keep a custom set of 12 16 24 32 44 62 on it. The tunings I use are generally drop-A#, drop-A, G#-standard, and drop-F#. So you shouldn't have to restring it (unless you have REALLY heavy strings like 80 gauge) but just keep in mind that it's made for those low-tune setups. Don't dream of playing songs in E-standard.
How the F does your back tire just FALL OFF THE CAR???
wtf is up/that, DEI race team really sucks!! If it ain't a blown engine a tire just comes off the car for no reason!!
Is it legal to un-govern your bike?
Don't think so. It's just illegal to exceed the posted speed limits. Be sure to sign your organ donors card. Cheers!
Computer isn't working, need istance please!?
use a recovery cd if u have one it will wipe your comp clean but you wont have any problems anymore.
Florida Sea Base BSA Help!!!?
I'm leaving tomorrow and just wanted to know a few things about what to bring. Can i wear cotton shirts? What is the best type of footwear? and how many shirts/shoes/shorts did you actually bring?
Do you believe that near death experiences are real, or just hallucinations?
Some people think that an NDE is a glimpse to the other side, and others think that it is just the brain losing oxygen. What do you think?
How is this baby name even pronounced??!!?
It is not Sky-lah, Its Sky-ler. Just like it is written. I personally like it. How is it freaky, ugly, and un-masculine?
During the primaries Barry admonished us to keep our thermostats turned down, isn't it rather disingenuous for?
He's no different than other politicians as he wants the best of every thing for himself just like Al Gore and we must suffer so they can enjoy. I can't afford to put my thermostat high, buy gas for my car and put good food on my table because I just don't have the monies to do ,much of any thing. But they the politicians get the best of every thing and we have to just look at them enjoying every thing.
Searching for a particular Paso Robles wine. Please help.?
A few years ago I had bought a bottle of wine from Costco in San Diego, CA. It was an inexpensive bottle of wine maybe less than $20. It was a red, maybe a merlot or cab. sav. but the bottle was very distinct. It has a metal or aluminum lable on the bottle of I believe a woman or something. But it's the only wine bottle from a Paso Robles vitner that I have come accross with that lable. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Do conservatives actually believe in the freedom of speech?
they cant infringe on the marines right to try and recruit either.it works both ways.protesting and trying to force someone to leave are two seperate things.and dont forget who the face of the p.m.r.c. in the 80's was.tipper gore.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Tips on reducing a fever for teens?
I noticed that I developed a fever a mere day ago in school, in which I alternated between having the chills, and burning up. During one of my cles, my teacher asked me if I wanted to go to the health room, so I did. After going to the health room, my temperature got clocked at 100.9, which is supposedly mild, but made me feel like crap as I shift between the chills and heat, I suffered aches throughout my body, I walk clumsily because I'm usually dizzy. I originally a bad cough set in my chest, but it seems to have calmed down since I've been taking cough medicine. I've been drinking a lot of water and orange juice, along with eating chicken soup, and taking lukewarm baths. Ultimately I ended up having trouble sleeping because of aches, headaches, and switching between the chills and heat, so I only slept about 5-6 hours at the most, in which I woke up between naps frequently. I'd like to feel better by Monday, because as nice as a day-off sounds, I really want to improve my grades, considering I missed a project presentation at school. So are there any ways to make my fever go away? I've been taking aspirin, TheraFlu, and cough medicine. I have also not received my flu shot.
Which is a better sweeper for my pokemon team?
Electivire. It has one weakness as opposed to three. And if you teach Electivire Magnet Rise, it won't have any weaknesses at all. Its faster, but a little weaker defense-wise. If you really care about the slighter higher defense though, go with Dragonite. But a single Ice type from any pokemon can defeat Dragonite whole.
Please help me get over my shyness.?
i think u hav to get a bit bold n better u can take help from ur that friend who was going to introduce u wid her........ if she is innocent, she may not like a direct proposal or maybe she will feel weird.....so just begin it all with friendship and gradually when u feel that the correct time has come, tell her about all your feelings... i think she would love that an probably say yes!!
Help with a one year old crested gecko?
My one year old crested gecko is only 5 inches from snout to the end of its tail. I think that is way to small for a crested gecko what do you think. I feed him the rapashy MRP crested gecko diet. he lives in a 12x12x30 inch gl and screen cage
He has a girlfriend but I'm a little worried he likes me?
it sounds like hes interested in you because he ask about your date to see if things went well or not so he could get a shot at asking you out. if you dont feel comfortable with him liking you then tell him you only see him as a friendly co-worker, if you do then hey your in luck.
When do people start to stop hanging out in bars all the time? Mid tweenties? Late Tweenties? Thirties?
There is no age where you stop hanging out in bars. I've seen people in their 50's and 60's in there.
Is the abuse crisis in the Catholic crisis a " crisis not a paedophile crisis"?
The way I see it, it is neither a "ual" nor a "pedophilic" crisis. It is, rather a crisis of conscience and morality. While it is very, tragically, true that the initial crime was that of pedophilic ults on children, the crimes which seem to have permeated the leadership are the crimes of concealment, the crimes of refusing to intervene in a meaningful way, the crimes of lying to colleagues and congregants, the crimes of turning a blind eye -- all crimes committed against persons, as well as against the church insritution itself. It was a criminal culture of arrogant deception in which the pedophilic crimes occurred, a culture which protected the guilty, abandoned the innocent, denied the witnesses, and soiled the faith of many, many faithful. The pedophiles should be removed from society and locked away, and they should be joined in prison by their protectors and benefactors. Never again should violent incompetence be tolerated.
Why won't my laptop play certain DVDs?
Make sure that you have the latest Windows service pack applied. Search the Microsoft Web site for any hotfixes that may have been issued for the Microsoft UDFS file system driver after the latest service pack release.
Whats wrong with my Dog?
My soon-to-be seven year old Labrador has had a strange limp for a couple of months. When he gets up from laying down he can't put put pressure on his rear left leg and hobbles along for about 1-2 minutes, and can then walk, run and jump as if there was no problem. I also note that at the top of the inside of his thigh there's a lump of (what I believe is) muscle. It looks as though he's torn a muscle or tendon loose, or possibly tore a muscle. My vet originally said it was arthritis and recommended supplements, they have not helped. Would such an injury cause him to walk this way? Could it be something else? The dog does not appear to be in any pain other than his reluctance to use his left hind leg when getting up. What kind of treatments are available?
Why are my downloads for sims2 not all showing up?
My downloads work except for the pets, and the hair and make up. I checked to make sure they were workable with my expansion packs, (on the sims resource) and use their down loader. Other objects work but some don't ....what is wrong?
Has anyone played Empress of The Deep?
I am stuck on the game Empress of the Deep. I was wondering if there are any hints on how to navigate through it?
Book title and review. Be honest even if the truth hurts. Please? isn't long.?
I love it. I think that it's very good. I'm hoping the story is of your character going back in time to tell the story of her true love. From when met him until this point in her life. That would be AWESOME! :D
What happens when someone gets served an afa davit?
I have an injunction against my ex boyfriend. One day when I got home I noticed that my ex was outside of my house within feet in which he is court ordered to be ft away from the address. When the cops got to my house they said they couldnt fo anything because he told the cops that he was going to visit his boss. He clearly lied to the cops. His boss lives houses down from me... The cops and I went down to his boss' house to make sure it was true. His boss said he was home all day and has not seen him. He even said that my ex called out that day.... When the cops returned to my house they said they were going to go to my exboyfriends house and give him an afa davit... Im not sure what that means... is he going to be put in jail for violation of a restraining order... or is he going to court?? I dont understand. someone please help me !
White guys, when you hear a Black girl talk and she's "Whitewashed" do you take it that she likes White guys?
This is a real question because I always come across Black & Latino guys who say it all of the time. They ume because I am... well, I talk pretty much like a Valley Girl, that I only date White men. Black guys always make jokes about it when I meet them (also because my name is "Becca" lol. smh). So I just want to know. Don't troll and say "White men don't like BW" or w/e because that's not the question, I know many like me, and I'm just wondering now if its mainly because they ume I'd like them back because of my mannerisms??
Chevrolet impala or Pontiac Grand prix?
Im stuck between buying a 2006 chevy impala or a pontiac grand prix 2004 GTP. I like both cars alot but i dont know which one will be better for me 4 years from now.The impala has 50,000 miles while the grand prix has 48,000 miles,
Programming language concept
This sounds like a homework question. Are you asking what alternatives are available specifically for FORTRAN, or for any object oriented language? One alternative might to be just view the contents of the array without creating the additional aliases, since it seems like an unnecessary step.
If or How do you think the chicago 2016 olympic loss will hurt Obama image?
I think it has been a bad first year for Obama. The Health Care, the war, the economy have all been things people have been angry. I think with obama's Chicago lobbing, I think this does, nothing but hurt him and hurts how the world views him. I think he never should have went to lobby for the games, because it was a lose-lose situation. What are your thoughts
Is this a good amp and sub setup?
I have a 1800w 2 channel audio tek amplifier. 2 12' pioneer subwoofers. 6.5" Rockford Fosgate speakers for front and 6.9" kicker speakers for back. Can I install the speakers and subwoofers with just one amp? Im new to all this stuff so it'd be great if you can give me some advice,
I love a girl she studies with me gow do i tell her i love you? or how do i make her love me?
Unfortantly you cant make someone love you. I think we all wish that we could but its not going to happen but if your a nice guy and you show her that I am sure that she will fall for you.
Why Do The Bettles Get Credit For Everyone Who Has Ever Made Music?
I don't hate them, but I do find them very uninteresting. I just don't get it. Beatles Fans, I'm expecting your retaliation, but at least bring more to the table than "they're awesome" or some siht.
Is race a big factor when trying out for YG Entertainment? ?
Hello! I'm an African American female and I'm considering trying out for yg. Do you think that my race will hinder me from being able to be accepted? And also is there a weight or height requirement? And being from the U.S., will they allow me to debute in Korea instead of the U.S.? Also s it ok to record a demo and send in a is it ok to record a demo and send in a video of me singing as well as an additional video of me dancing ? Oh, and I cannot speak any Korea but I am taking t true that the Koreans believe that dark it true that the Koreans believe that dark skin is ugly (I'm a little dark)? Sorry if its too many questions lol I'm just really nervous!
Why isn't piety and essential part of human goodness?
you can believe in God and still not do right, so believing in God really does not matter to be honest. a good person is a good person no matter if they are Catholic, athiest, or Jewish. the heart of a person, the good nature of a person, the honest of a person, and the purity of one actions is what really counts. a bad or evil person is just that as well. yet, in every good person there lies a bit of anger for if the right person or thing pushes the right on even the best of us lose our temper; we are sorry after words but we still can lose it, we are only human.
How do i take care of a month old hamster?
i have a month old hamster i got today and i need some advice how to take care of her, her name is minnie,she is playfull and she is a black bear hamster. any advice? asap
Are their plans for a Ga-Rei adaption?
So I just finished watching Ga-Rei: Zero, and read that it was actually a prequel to the manga Ga-Rei. I looked around a bit but couldn't find much on it, so I was wondering if there are any actual plans for an adaption of the manga.
What should I do about my bf who doesn't notice me?
I am currently at my boyfriend's apartment for a party he's hosting (we're both 24). The party is to play the board game risk (we're nerds, i know). anyway, i bought and cooked all the food for this party, bought all the beer and wine, and now i'm sitting in his room because he won't even talk to me. he's so engrossed in the boardgame, he didn't even notice that i cleaned his entire kitchen, took out all the trash, and made life really easy for him. i'm basically sick and tired of this, and i don't know what to do. am i his doormat??
Why isnt the Glenn Martin DDS sweepstakes working?
i dailed the 1-800-493-1601 number and when dialed it says cannot go through service or please try again later what happen and i called at 11:11 when the show was on >(
Which major to pick?! I'm trying to find a list of majors for my bf...?
His college's website should have a list of degree programs offered, along with descriptions of what they are and what sort of careers he could have afterward. They'll also have a list of what cles he'll need to take to graduate from each program, so he knows where to focus next semester.
Who's been to wildwood NJ?
I went there years ago I'm sure things have changed but boy did we ever have fun I'm sure your going to have a blast but be safe don't take off with strangers even if they seem so nice its a crazy world out there stay in groups at all times have fun but be safe! dam your all so lucky I want to come!
What is your most memorable fishing experience?
I have a lot, too many to just pick one actually. If I had to pick one it'd probably not be just one "experience" but just fishing at my grandparent's pond as a kid. I used to go out there every weekend in the summer and stay the night. I remember setting the alarm clock for 7 each morning and just fishing without a worry on my mind. I found it very neat to see how the pond progressed over the years as far as the fishing. The fish would of course get bigger and bigger every year. The Catfish, B, Crappie, and Bluegills were all well stocked and still are til this day. I love being out on the lake but theres just something about fishing that pond that gives me enjoyment that the lake just can't.
I have a site and I want to advertise. What other ads for money sites are there other than AdSense?
Simple question. I got my AdSense account disabled because one of my site admins made over 1,000 invalid clicks on my ads... Bummer! I'm looking into Bidvertiser and OpenAds, I just don't know which is comparably better or at least equal to AdSense.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
What's the point of reading the Old Testament?
Since the birth of Jesus meant a new covenant between man and God, doesn't that make everything that happened in the Old Testament moot? I mean, sure it's cool to read for historical reasons, but other than that what else is it good for?
Very long anxiety question, but I REALLY need your help!?
Basically all my life ive been dealing with being painfully shy and had trouble making friends due to this. I always shake meeting new people or I get stuck and don't know what to say. As I got older Iv been SORT of able to start talking to people and such. I'm 17 now, and I've been taking Adderall to help me with school for two years. Its been working but I feel its brung my anxiety back, but only WORSE. I can't talk to people AT ALL with out shaking or talking too low or monotone. So in cl, I just DONT talk, its not that I dont want to, its that I CANT. It's been KILLING me becuase I cant get a boyfriend or friends or ANYTHING and it sucks. So i've been slowly falling into a depression. Coming with the anxiety, Im having a VERY big problem opening up to people. I haven't told my parents or anyone cause I dont want them to feel bad or feel diffrently of me. I don't know what to do, I'm trpped in my own mind. I'm currently about start taking Vyvanse, But I haven't yet. Will that help or worsen it? I need answers NOW, I've been suffering with this problem too long I can't take it.. I'm not an emotional person (which is why I cant date becuase I never come out to tell them I like them, I usually come off as rude) and I prefer hiding my feelings from people so they don't take advantage of me or think im weak. HELP HELP HELP HELP!
Eastsheen 2x2 demolition...?
I accidentally took apart my 2x2 Eastsheen cube, and it says on the box to not dismantle it by force. Is it a goner, or not? I enjoy it, and I just got it today. I'm unsure of how to reconstruct it.
Jack in the Box Teriyaki Saucer Recipe?
I'm addicted to the flavor of Jack in the Boxes Teriyaki sauce they have in the square packages. I'v bought every sauce at the supermarkets in an attempt to find something close but can't find anything and there are no copycat recipes that i can find. Any idea who the manufacturer is, or a recipe would be great, too. Thanks
Thesis for a tale of two cities..?
write everything you know about Madam Defarge in a list and then after brainstorming, write just the short version.
What do you think of the beginning of my story?
Its very good! You have the perfect amount of detail and even from the snippet i can see the ground bases for the characters and I like the movements your characters do rubs back of the neck and stuff. I like it a lot. Good luck and please answer my question!!!!!
Please help with this fanfic?
So, fanfics. My specialty. =D First of all- Hermione, a lawyer? She'd be an Auror most likely, or she'd work in the Department of Mysteries. Most likely, if you are wishing for a Lucius/Hermione pairing, she and Ron would have had a mive falling out, and woul no longer be welcome in the Weasley home, which would result in a very Dark!Morbid!Depressed! Hermione. Think, coming back from the edge Hermione. Lucius would just be a , and she'd blow up at him, resulting in major character change, and BOOM! Sparks fly, and heavy petting occurs.
Fantasy Baseball Who do I start? H2H Mixed League?
always start posey and i would def start hanley over rollins. you should try and trade reyes because there is no point in having 3 short stops.
Does he may like me? please someone help.?
so i like this guy we talked for hour and then he wrought in my lounge "Have a great night! sweet dreams" know is he just nice? or is tying to say something els thanks.
What does naked, pigeon-chested old men, with strands of white hair on their heads have in common with the GOP?
Little too much time on your hands....Too bad no one gives a sh*t what a lazy uneducated welfare Lib says......Imagine if everyone had the same amount of time on their hands as you do...There would be no one left to foot the bill for your cheese.Put the crack pipe down and get your a** to work....
Who would win?Dumbledore or Magnus Bane?
if you've read the Mortal Instruments books (City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Gl)and harry potter then you know what im talking about.
Is my poem publishable and if so where can I publish?
I like you poem. It contains certain strength of emotional experience, but again I’m not a native speaker to judge. To think about publishing you have to write more than one. There is a complete answer about publishing on page 4, in an answer to the question “How would I get a fiction book published?” Check it out, it may help.
Are agnostics also agnostic towards Pixies and Goblins ? (no offense)?
Yes, they believe everything in the world that's ever been imagined could be real, if not then they remain inconsistent in their ridiculous philosophical stance.
What is SAP? what are its benefits in the technical field?
badsha is right to a great extent because iam in a multinational firm i n sap being used if you want little detailed do write to me kumar2raman@gmail.com
Will the s in CA. respect the decision that both the voters and the courts have made?
Or will they continue to try to force their minority will on the majority in direct defiance of what our country is all about?
Three gorgeous girl names.?
Felicity, Willow and Isla if you add a 2nd name to it like Isla Marie, etc. Belle is cute when it goes with a 2nd name too. How aboout Belle Isla? Sounds like Delilaha
Is the one hundred dollar bill the biggest american currency?
My brother told me that there is a 500 dollar bill in existence and possibly a 1000 dollar bil. i don't think he's telling the truth! please give help!
Why is it okay to defame Christians, but not okay to say anything wrong about Muslims?
It seems that political correctness (PC) protects all minorities, but gives free reign to the persecution and defamation of whites and Christians, particularly white Christians. Either tolerance for ALL, or for none. I am sick of being offended by trying not to offend anyone else.
What to say...?
my best friend has an autistic son and i made her a recipe book with gluten and casein free recipes. i have everything finished except the dedication page, i dont know what to say i want to dedicate it to her and her family, but i need help!
What is the exact definition of a tattle tail?
Pretty much a person who is guarenteed to tell if someone is doing any little thing bad. The 21st-century term is snitch.
Hyperpigmentation ACNE SCARS help please?
i already went to a derm for my acne scars but it wasnt too much help. i ended up having to pay 245 dollars for nothing. && i cant afford to keep going to the derm. do anyone know any acne scar cream/gel or anything! that actually works? && please no guesses
Girls play footsie with girls?
Is it normal for two girls to make foot-to-foot contact on the couch, etc. and rub their feet together? (footsie)
How is this piece of writing?
I find it a bit cliched, and I think you would do well to lose some of your adjectives/modifiers because there is perhaps a bit too much going on in there and it would be almost impossible to carry it on through the duration of an entire novel. As a piece of micro-fiction, it works. If it were to be continued through to a longer piece of work, it would need editing to keep your reader gripped as sometimes too much description can be a major turn-off and the reader gets bored reading it. :)
THUNDERBIRD 1963 car indicators on 1963 Tbird different on one side to other, Where is the indicator switch?
I have a 1963 T Bird the indicator flashers work on the left (drivers side) but stay ON on the other side and dont flash. When the car is moving fast (high engine revs) the right side will (sometimes) click on/off once or twice maybee. The brake lights/bulbs are ok. all the lights work ok being an older US car the indicators at the back are the same bulb as the brake lights. Ive checked the earth at the light units and wriggled the arm on the indicator arm. Finally does anyone know HOW to get to the indicator switch its somewhere behind the 1963 horn ring, does this come off? HOW,? what do I do Im in the United Kingdom so no garages have much knowledge of these cars. Thanks Neil
What would Theodore Roosevelt say about...?
Teddy was a closet progressive its why he was kicked out of the Republican party and forced to start the Bull Moose party , even back then the progressive left was hated and despised by the majority of Americans
All the MAN out there can you tell why he did this!!?
What??? It's so hard to read what you wrote due to lack of punctuation, spelling, grammar and form, your question got lost.
Why are so many Americans so poorly prepared for the modern job market?
People have been working for around "20 years" have generally been working since the 1990s " when good-paying jobs were popping up all the time". If they have been working in construction things have been good for a very long time and the same goes for manufacture. These jobs are less academic and careerist than law. They are indeed the staple of another era of stable job for life. These people who have been steadily employed for about 2 decades since the 1990s, when good jobs were available, its not actually that hard to see why they haven't been training. It didn't seem relevant or necessary possibly and even a drain on their families or their own resources. Other people who made poor choices also do look for help of employment agencies. If you can't help but feel contempt and look down your nose at these people maybe you are in the wrong line of work. Especially since it is your job to hold an information advantage about what is needed to get a job these days. Also be careful who you look down your nose at as one day you might get a bloody one.
Hekki got lucky?
Why is everyone saying he's a great driver? the only reason he got podium was because alonso, vettel and webber all didn't finish.
Existing after death as energy (philosophical and atheist geared)?
My fore mothers worshiped the earth, and believed that when you died you were reborn in the plants that grew above your grave, or into the wind if your body was burned. I always thought it was a cool notion, and accurate in a sense. I don't think our consciousness lives on though.
What do you think of my poem?
I like your poem a lot. I always liked poems that came from the heart. If you didn't mean what you wrotee, the reader's could tell, and your poem would be bad. But I think yours did came from the heart andthat'ss what I like about your poem.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
In WoW, what professions do you recommend for a Tauren Druid?
because tauren have the +15 herbalism skill, i kind of wanted to go with herbalism. iv been meaning to try inscription, but some people are saying that it's best to go with 2 gathering professions, like herbalism and mining. i cant decide! any suggestions...?
I think i was talking to a rapist?
probaly just some guy f***ing with you dont worry about it unless he comes back again, until then thats a great story
GM goes bankrupt. Do prices of new Cadillac cars go down at the dealership?
Hey guys. I"ve been patiently waiting to buy my dream car. Cadillac CTS-V. I've been catching up on the news and it looks like GMs going to file bankruptcy. Should i wait to purchase the cts-v so prices go down, however the local creepy salesman is pressuring me to buy now because "Caddilac prices will stay as is even if GM goes under."
Can anybody tell em that how far stretch marks cream is useful??
Please tell me that is it worthwhile to use stretch marks cream on my tummy.Anybody experienced benefits from them?My obstetrician said that stretch marks during pregnanacy cant be avoided n erased by any means .so i ddnt use any cream but now i have started using that palmers cocoa er one .I have already got some stretch marks .Can they b reduced now?Was my doc true?
Yellow teeth or yellow eyes?
I'm not sure how to cure yellow eyes, but I would say teeth because I can cure that easily and just smile without my teeth showing.
Flowers for a grave site....what about a crypt?
I never seen a crypt before...but if you can get the flowers up there that high then sure. I would do it for a loved one.
How do you get rid of maggots in your sink??????
We left for vacation last Mon. AND..... APPARENTLY I didnt make sure the disposal was clear SO.... now we have little maggots in our sink. We just walked in the door a coulple of hours ago. I have dumped straight clorox down there, and left the scalding hot water run for a long time, I've rinsed the sink with dawn as well, but these little "s.o.b.'s are not moving!!!!! Please Please someone tell me that this very thing happended to you and you have a really good remedy, Thanks!!
Whats going to a footy match like? (1st time)?
I've never been before and I am going tonight. It's winter and my parents keep telling me to rug up really really really warmly, they are going overboard..will it really be THAT cold!? And also, whats the atmosphere like? I'm not much of a fan of footy at all really, but my parents are dragging me along. Will I enjoy it?
Virus problem when attaching word doc to mail?
.SCR file extensions are screensavers, not word doents. You would either have to embed the image into a word doent and send it as a .DOC file or save the screensaver with a graphic format such as .JPG and attach it to an email to send
How to make red velvet cake? 10 points best answer :-)?
hi, recently i tried to make a red velvet cake, but i must have done something wrong because it turned out pink! in the end i put loads and loads of colouring in and it still stayed pink, would it be something to do with the fact i didnt use a whisk? or i put it in at the wrong time? or it was natural colouring? please help! thank you very much :-) xx
Have there been advances in US SONAR Net tech since the Cold War?
Has the U.S. put any significant research into more effective SONAR nets, or are we using obsolete technology? In theory, could a high-tech nuclear-capable sub park itself off the American coast? Citing resources would be great, as I have not been able to find much on the subject.
Which tail are you most likely to choose if you're at a party?
Depends on the type of party- if it was intense i'd drink straight grain alcohol to impress. Otherwise know your venue. Clic "gentlemen" like sipping booze like gentleman jack. Other than that you need a light drink for those who don't like the taste of alcohol, and a clic like a screwdriver
CROP walk = supporting proselytizing?
I did this once as a kid; it was an unpleasant experience at best. It's basically kids panhandling to make money for a Christian religious organization, and VERY little of it gets to the people who are supposedly receiving help. It's a very unpleasant memory for me; I was very disillusioned, and I'd NEVER send a kid on this, EVER. Find something to do with your time that actually matters and will actually help; I can promise you from experience that this ISN'T it.
What is the difference between OBD-1 and OBD-2 and is there such a thing as OBD3?
obd1 is 95 and older and obd2 is 96 and newer. altough some early and mid 90's vehicles were obd2 compatible. there is talk to obd3. Its almost like big brother for vehicles. Your vehicle will transmit a signal if your vehicle has an emmissions fault. a transponder(built into a stop sign or stop light for example) picks up the signal and your are then later sent a notice. Its all just talk for now. But im sure theres much more to it. the difference between the two is SAE got involved and set a standard to on board diagnostics (OBD). for example a code p0300 is : random misfire. P0300 is the same for a toyota honda chevy ford chysler etc. A P0xxx code is the same for all OBD2 vehicles no matter what make and model. But a P1xxx is a manufacturer specific code for a more indepth code for more accurt diagnostics. Also on obd2 vehicles the diagnostic data link was required to be located under the dash driver side dash board. obd1 it could be located anywhere on the vehicle. OBD2 also has the added feature of real-time data and freeze frame data.
Are seahorses and clownfish compatable together?
They can but you will have to take care at feeding time, Seahorses are slow eaters and and even if you feed the horses their own diet, there is no saying that the clowns will not take it first. Otherwise, they will live well together.
What's the best seat in Busch Stadium?
I will only help if you swear on Harry Carey's grave that you are not going to show up in a Cardinals jersey.
Do dead animals spread desease into the air?
I always hold my breath when ping a dead animal on the road or seeing an occasional dead mouse outside my house that my cat lovingly brought for me. For some reason I feel like if I breath near them I will catch some sort of disease. Is this an irrational fear?
A specific part of my brain hurts?
For the past few days, a specific part of my brain has been hurting. It's not like a headache or a migraine at all, it just feels like there's a lot of pressure in that one spot, above the left eye and right behind the forehead. It happens once in awhile if I move from an idle position too quickly, but it happens EVERY time I have to bend down my head to around waist level or below. Like to tie shoelaces or pick something up from the ground while sitting in a chair. Is this something I should be concerned about? It's just a completely foreign kind of pain to me...any response would help, thank you.
What caused my continual heartburn?
if the site of the pain us above your umbilicus then it seems that you have just Gastritis ..every thing ll be OK get an Antacid ..and u ll be GREAT :D
Bible thumpers I have a question for YOU!?
Cause of the way we speak. If we had the bible from the 1800s then we would not understand it cause they did not talk like us.
Why does everyone think in stereotypes?
I'm aware that stereotypes are there for a reason, but you miss out getting to know really great people when you generalize like that. Not all females are these annoying, emotional, uptight, whiny, and shallow things that a lot of men make them out to be. And not all males are these brainless doofs that only care about sports, beer, and getting laid that they have come to be known as. I just find this whole gender studies section to be really annoying. What happened to being an individual?
My vision for left eye is sph=-0.5, cyl=-.5, axis=90, and right eye is sph=_ , cyl=-0.5, axis =90! should i?
As an optician I would consider this to be a mild RX but certainly worth filling. You will definately see more sharply. Your a good candidate for contacts as well. The half diopter of cylinder (astigmatism) may be masked by spherical equivalent contacts.
Post Accutane...?
I know someone who took accutane and her acne never came back. Be careful though, she has been emotionally disturbed ever since. She took it for about 4 months as well.
What would be the problem with no middle cl?
I think basically you're be looking at another depression. Some are financially elite, but the vast majority are poor.
Monday, August 8, 2011
WB old saturday schedule?
This have been driving me crazy. I been tying to think of the name of the show that came on after mutant x and before andromeda.
I need to get rid of a Hammond E100 organ?
My father is moving into sheltered accommodation and can't take this with him. Unfortunately it looks like it will have to be scrapped unless someone out there knows of anyone who would be interested in it.
REPOST - What do you think of this horse? (extra details)?
He is a stunning horse! He sounds exactly like what you need. He knows Western but when you decide to swtich to English, he will be ready. Also, his name is Scout which was the name of my first horse, a plus in my book. Lol! I think you should most definatley go and check him out.
Is it okay if I leave a pigeon with a big bird cage filled with parakeets(about 16 parakeets)?
I found a pigeon and its trained and i have a medium sized aviary with like about 16 parakeets, is it okay if i put the pigeon in there??? ANSWER QUICKLY PLEASE!!!!!
Did Obama divulge he is on board for the Hillary Swartznager Health Insurance Law by calling for a $1000 fine?
Actually, if you bothered to read the news article, you would know that poor people and people who cannot afford coverage are exempt from any fine. ONLY people who can afford coverage but refuse to be covered under any plan will be fined, as the uninsured cost US taxpayers 58 billion per year in medical write offs and bankruptcies.
Who would win in a fight, Magnus Bane or Draco Malfoy?
I say Magnus Bane Because I know what he can do and it is kick a**! But then again I don't know Malfoys full potential. I mean come on now, Magnus can heal people, shadowhunters, vampires, werewolves and warlocks alike, transform and do a whole lot of other awesome things!
Is it customary for an attorney to ask for money ($500) up front on a contingency suit?
The small amount of $500 is probably for out-of-pocket expenses. It is important to review the written retainer or contingency fee agreement closely so that you know what your financial obligations are. Generally the lawyer will take one third of any recovery as his only fee. The expenses however are in addition to the fee. If the written agreement is not clear regarding exactly how expenses are defined, I would ask that they be clarified.
What would you like to name your kids?
I named my daughter Hannah Leanne. If I would have had a son I would have named him Aiden (not sure about the middle name.) ^^
How do I get my friend to keep her mouth shut?
One of my friends has recently got in with another crowd who kinda look down on me because they're the 'in crowd' and we I suppose are in the middle somewhere...stupid stereotypes I know. This is a really immature question but it's bothering me all the same. Anyway, this friend has started going out a lot and gets drunk on weekends with them...I told her some stuff a couple of years ago, you know the type of gossip that 13 year olds spread, like family stuff, guys I liked, embarring moments in junior school, etc. Anyway, she keeps the family stuff relatively quiet because she knows that you just DONT joke about it, so I'm less worried about that as she probably wouldn't bring it up to any of them...she's not that bad of a friend!! But the more 'gossipy' stuff I told her...she has teased me about, and I'm terrified that she'll tell her new friends. Especially because I see them a lot in lessons and on buses and trams, and they're the sort of people that if they get to know some stuff they'll tease. So I'm basically scared of them knowing what I have told my friend. She's a good enough friend not to tell them anything...unless she's drunk...and this happens a lot... so do you think I should confront her? Ask her not to tell these lot anything about what I've told her? Or just ride it out, after all I only have 1 1/2 years left of school then I will (hopefully) be moving away from them so if they know anything it doesn't matter? Just I hate school that much anyway that the thought of them knowing things about me just drives me insane! Please help, advice? Yes I know it's immature but it's really getting to me ! Thank you x
Jose luis sanchez sola to toluca?
if or when chepo leaves to coach mexico sometime in december, chelis will takeover according to the guys in jorge ramos y su banda. that sh t sounds awesome if you ask me. i want to see what chelis does in a team with money and resources for a change. thoughts?
Will you help me name my puppy?
Okay well don't do Maccito or Mocha or Chip/Chippy, because this is just about every dog's name on the face of the earth, and they are also very girly. Go for something exotic but not common. I like Pippet and Mats the best out of those names. Mats. I would go with Mats.
My military gear got all wet?
well i collect military gear and i am proud of it. well i own a navy seal tent and i threw it up and left my stuff in there it rained at my house. the tent is waterproof but water got in and screwed everything up all my stuff got wet. some got mold on it all the metal stuff that was in there got rusted. i cleaned it out took the tent down put everything out to dry and well i dont know what to do how do i go about cleaning all my stuff. and another thing i think some thing or somebody went in there and did it becasue something is missing and there is white stuff that looks like paint in the back that was under neath one of my back packs. i just dont know how i am going to go about cleaning this the stuff that has mold on it can i clean that off will the horrible smell ever go away and one of my dummy hand granades got all rusted and now there is rust on the floor of my tent! its just i am 15 and i dont know what i can do i am broke and every cent that i get goes towards other stuff so should i try to save up and replace some of the gear or should i try to clean it. the expensive stuff like my kevlar helmet gas mask didnt get that wet my gas mask had no water on it. but my intercepter body armor got soaked and now has small white dots on it just wat should i do.
Muslims, does Islam support the acts of terrorism that took place at Fort Hood?
Islam is a religion of Peace and Love. This Major's actions do not fall in line with Islamic Teachings. As for the victims of this horrendous crime, I as a muslim pray that Allah forgive all their sins and grant them a place in Heaven. I would also like to say to their families that do not let this act of violence by one man help mould your image of Islam. The hearts and prayers of me and my family are with you and your families.
Vampire Academy Series Question?
i actually really want that to happen now... well the saving dimitri thing. it just wont be the same without our gorgeous russian voice of reason dont you think? i think adrian just sorta picks up on the rose-dimitri thing by body language...he just always seems to know. ppl like twilight cos edward is shiny. its retarded, but a lot of girls like the romeo and juliette thing ( not my scene, books were stupid) i love the academy series...well not love but i find it entertaining and its a much better way to spend an afternoon than say...watching some dumb movie or reading twilight. im not sure whatll happen cos im not psychic, but i really want dimitri back. im hoping that they took him to keep feeding from him, and not to actually change him. its a slim chance but its still there. there will be a lot of following rose around until she tracks down where he is, and then a bit of confusion when she sees him again. lots of chemistry and tension, and then hopefully a happy ending or at least one where we know dimitri isnt gone for good
Believers: Can you give me a solid real to the Epicurean paradox?
God cannot be judged by man's limited logic. He has a plan that we cannot comprehend. And we can gain salvation through blood of Christ. Evil proves the Fall at Eden and gives us incentive to seek out the Son.
Which one is more powerful?
Thanks for the early response. I'm using it for games (ins creed, tom clancy end war, etc.) and also for multi-tasking and home use
Has anyone ever evolved an Axolotl Dragon at home before?
Ive heard that these can be evolved into salamander's either by injecting with a hormone or by gradually reducing the level of water they swim in. Has anyone ever actually done this and succeeded? If so could you poss send me some pics of him?
What is a good iPod dock for me?
Well, don't fall for all these expensive apple-sponsored things like iHome and what-not. You could find something that's a lot cheaper and that still has all the components. I don't know any brand names, but I have one that looks like a stereo that charges my iPod, plays music loudly, is a radio, a CD player, and an alarm clock that was $75. Just keep an open mind.
How can I help Her???
My best friend's lil sister lost her boyfriend tragically sunday night. He was on his way to drop her off at her house when he got a call from his friend needing a ride. They went to a meeting place to meet some body that owed him $$. She saw that his friend had a gun and a bat not knowing he was goin to rob them instead. She saw a truck pull up and hid in the back seat, then heard gun shots from outside into the drivers side,then thru the pengers side. When the truck drove off she tried 2 push the seat where she saw nothin but parts of his skull, she then tried to get help. Her b/f and his friend died instantly had no chance. She witnessed all this and yet she cant understand y. He was known to help others before himself and never had enemys, he was just @ the wrong place @ the wrong time. How can we help this young tramatized girl deal with the loss of her love and actually living the nightmare over and over. I dont think there r any words for her to begin to heal.
Some good old school punk (and the ever-present BQs)?
JFA, Black Flag, Agent Orange, Jack Killed Jill, Dead Kennedys, tsol, Circle Jerks, Plasmatics, The Clash, Televison, The Tubes, 999, Tubeway Army, Dead Boys, Generation X, Pistols, Misfits, The Slits, The Roaches, All, Descendents, Ramones, Surf Punks, Sloppy Seconds, Killdozer, X.
B guitar brands that i might not know?
Check out Yamaha and Lace. In terms of value, what you're getting for what you pay, these two brands give you some of the best deals.
Are Long Haired Dachshund Great Pets?
Yes. I have 3 young children and specifically chose a dog based on personality for them. I have two mini long haired daxis and they are gentle, docile but still fun and extremely intelligent. They know how to behave with children and have been fab to toilet train. They both go on one tiny square of my lawn - never anywhere else meaning my children never tread in dog poo in the garden. As a family we have had many dogs but this is by far our favourite breed. Also they do not need walking every day but at the same time if you want to go for a long hike they will outwalk you! I also think this is a great breed for an introduction to dogs. They are so easy. My husband who wanted a large manly dog (but I got my way) is besotted with them!! Make sure you find a good breeder (puppy must be certified PRA clear ie at least one parent must be PRA negative) and enjoy your loyal and loving daxi. (PRA is a degenerative eye condition) Small dogs are known for yapping - that is up to you as to whether or not you allow it. I let mine bark at any workmen and strangers at the door but not friends- they understand my hand signals for this. They are great for security...and one of mine barks as loud as a Labrador!
Does he love me 4lads one girl?
Oki.. So I'm in love with this lad called Joe great lad and everything but it's hard for me because he doesn't want people to know I'm going out with him and we've bin going out a month and his mom doesn't know were going out she's the person who doesn't want her son to go out with me. So it's bin hard but a the same time as I've bin going out with him I've had feeling towards three ova lad aid an,Reece and Ben:l bens a boy who everybody laughts at but I love him and he's writing on his board he love me.. But I don't know if it's a joke. Aidans a close mate and I don't think anything will happen and theres Reece :l I've loved him for two years and its hard I don't know if he loves me or of he's flirting he always floret and texts me but he loves Emma.. And I love him.. So I need help I love 3 ova people and my bf what should I do? I love them all:( please help.xx
Why are mechanics, dentists and doctors in the US GENERALLY crooks?
Don't give me the "cost of service", "insurance" and "years of education" baloney. Some of the techniques used are so old, fast to do and cost so little there is no justification for the cost. Peole in the US just don;t want to work unless you toss bags of money at them and STILL they generally do mediocre work. Most doctors and dentists are poorly educated in the US. Where do you get good doctors from from when the general pool of Americans are the worst educated in the industrial world. And mechanics? You don't need a license to work in the US. Any bozo can claim to be a mechanic.
How much realistically could I earn as Cabin Crew???
You can't earn anything. Nobody is hiring right now, and many airlines are starting to furlough people. You might have a chance with NetJets, if you want to do that sort of work.
Is it safe to reheat a quarter-pounder from McDonalds?
i bought mcdonalds a few hours ago and didnt finish my QP, but now im hungry and want to know is it safe to reheat it? or will it b disgusting?
Songs bought from iTunes on a Sony Ericsson W810i?
Yeah, generally you cant put itunes songs on other devices...but you can get around it if you first burn the songs onto a cd, and then load them onto your phone (at least, that makes it work for me!).
Who are the greatest best friends out of films and books?
peyton and brooke(one tree hill), choji and shikamaru (naruto), frodo and sam(lord of the rings), scooby and shaggy, ash and pikachu, alex and marty(madagascar)
Will Blue Dog Democrats think twice before backing Obama's "change" based on its effects on Bob Nelson?
Just goes to show how many people oppose obamas health care, even when they don't have to pay for it they don't want it, Those are real Americans, not obama who don't care what we want
Do you like the song I just wrote.?
that sounds great! you should definitely keep writing and never give it up, no matter who says you can't do it. stick to your dream!
Cakewalk music creator?
i have a cakewalk music creator and i need to know how to get the good effects like chorus, flanger, and reverb
How can I find RECENT ( no older than a week) articles on Microbes and diseases?
If you want a proper scientific article from a reputable journal you wont get the full thing less than a week old because they take months to get published. Other than that its googling i think
Sunday, August 7, 2011
In hospital for wisdom teeth removal do I get choice of gas or injection anaesthetic? Which is best and why?
With an injection don't you feel the stuff working its way up your arm and all around your body before you go to sleep? With gas, doesn't it smell unpleasant and does it take a long time to go under? Some of my college friends have had gas and hated it whilst others have really enjoyed it. Similarly with an IV - some friends have said it's the best way to be put to sleep because it's just like you've blinked your eyes shut before you open them again whilst others have said you feel really bad when you come round.
Is it normal for a 2-year-old dog to still be chewing our stuff?
We disciplined him from chewing stuff when we got him. I don't why he's still chewing. My poor little sister. She has headless barbie dolls because of the dog.
Do I have a mental illness?
WOW! I've even had some of those things. The angry/depressed to super happy and the tantrums especially. I've got weird obsessions too. And at one point, I was very very afraid of bugs. I've had very disgusting thoughts and terrible memories of things people have said and done to me as well. I can't say that you've gone insane or mentally ill, probably just worrying too much or something terrible has happened in your life. I think for your case, I would recommend a hypnotherapist, hypnotherapy (a.k.a. hypnosis) works well for things like fear, mood swings, all that stuff). Trust me, it really helped me. Pray to God as well, pray that you will have a happy life without fears, mood swings, tantrums, obsessions. These things have worked for me anyway.
Is this extract from my book alright?
the only thing missing is were you said "i never thought i'd be in that position" you forgot to put the "t" at the end of "thought" lmao in other words, i dont see anything wrong with it, personally the type of story you're writing isn't the kind i would read from start to finish, but it's written very proffesionaly and in the right style, keep at it :)
Are these signs of pregnancy?
Sounds like a really good chance! And gratz! My AF supposedly should be here same day...*fingers crossed tho*. Just wait a few more days and take a more expensive (read more sensitive) test.
How can i look older?
i sorta have the same problem. im a sopre and not only do i look young but im 4'11. and yeah everyone always says "you will be greatful when your older" but of course thats a long time from now! so id just say dont wear your hair in a ponytail/ponytails or anything, wear make up but dont over do it, and keep dressing maturely but again dont over do it because it will just seem like your trying too hard ya know:)
Doesn't abortion absolve would-be parents of the responsibility they ought to bear?
touchy subject. Although abortion in some cases is necessary (the exceptions you mentioned) I personally believe if you spread your legs or put it in (yes graphic and needs to be) than you are taking a chance of getting pregnant and being a parent. That said there are many people that should not be parents therefore adoption should be easier for the average couple as long as they p a background check. I once heard that the majority of abortions are performed on middle cl white girls sounds about right. However, with all the advances in birth control (pills, morning after pill, condoms) there is no reason for a women to even get to the point where she has an unwanted pregnancy~
Opinion. On my re pking outfit?
I plan on wearing lunar boots and helm fighter torso STR ammy rune def and black d hide vambs and chaps my methods will be dds/mage bow/ancients with 60 ATt/70 str/70 range/70 Mage,think I'll do good?suggestions?
Can someone translate this message for me from Spanish to English?
Bueno como no pude escribirte de mi face, te escribo del de mi amigo jajaja que lo aceptaste sin conocerlo, ya sabes, todo lo tengo controlado y mi amigo buena gente acepto ayudarme por cualquier cosa jajaja, la verdad ya hasta me da flojera pelear con ustedes jajaja, vieras como me divierto jeje, ya no hagas tantos corajes mujer que te va a dar un infartooooo, bueno que pasen feliz a�o nuevo, no te molestes en escribirme un mensaje a mi facebook porque no me tomare la molestia en abrirlo y tampoco si se lo mandas a mi amigo jajaja, asi que yo tengo la ultima palabra jijiji, cuidense mucho y recuerden que los quiero mucho mucho mucho jajaja, besitos a martin y a ti jajaja, adios!!!
Ok, Am I The Only One Who Thinks Ivan Ives Is Dope As Hell?
Why are your questions so long? I'm too stupid and its entirely too early to read a dissertation on an obscure hip-hop act. We get it. You listen to underground hip-hop. Who are you trying to convince and/or impress?
Wow... Why no one wants Brett Favre now not even Packers?
All the dumb*** Favre bashers can kiss my you know what. The only thing Favre has done was deny all the rumors. Has anyone heard him say he wants to come back, no they haven't. Has he said that the rumors were false, yes he has. Both times these rumors came out he quickly said they weren't true. So why should he come back out and say anything else when he already has. It seems to me that people want to discredit and make a beloved true legend that people should be looking up to look like trash. This is the kind of world we live in. The people we should be holding to a higher standard are the ones we're bashing. I bet all these people that bash Favre are the same people that will root for Vick to make a comeback when he gets out of jail. We bash guys like Favre and turn around and root for guys like T.O., Moss, Vick, Lewis, and so on. Has everyone forgotten what having cl means?
Why do some cl D mono amps like the Kenwood KAC-9104D have 2 positive and 2 negitive speaker outputs?
How would you wire it down to 2 ohm's? When im looking at wire diagrams on the computer should i look under two channal amps or still mono amps? thanks
If a 40 megaton-equivalent hydrogen bomb were to explode, how far would the damage spread?
Writing a story here, and I'm trying to figure out how many nuclear bombs would need to be detonated to eradicate most of the US. So what I want to know is, uming a 40 megaton energy level, what's the radius in miles or km of a) total devastation, b) severe injury that will lead to death within days or weeks, and c) minor damage that isn't immediately fatal (meaning those in the area will survive the attack essentially intact, despite any health problems in years to come). Anybody know? Better yet, how many miles apart would the bombs have to be to essentially obliterate or condemn to destruction everything between them?
Which model of g-shock does kanye west wear in vh1 storytellers?
can you please let me know the model no of that g-shock watch.he wears a white g-shock in vh1 storytellers.
Please tell me what you think!!?
Bad, really bad piece of melodrama. Did you mean to misstate "it is better to have loved and die..." It goes, It's better to have loved and lost. This person is dying all over the place! Just do us all a favor and bury this short story.
Whatever You Like Remix?
I heard a female version of "Whatever You Like" on somebody's myspace but ofcourse the song was hidden so I couldn't figure out who it was it sounded like Trina though.. I tryed searchin on Limewire but could only find other remixes with Ludacris && some other people do you guys know who sings this remix??
Sky Broadband problems?
If there is no connection when you are connected to the test socket, there is something seriously wrong. Follow the guide below and see if that helps you.
Mac OS X Lion Disc question?
Has or is Apple making any hard disk copies of Mac OS X Lion or can you only get it from the AppStore? I would raver have a hard disc copy!
Need some help Identifying African Cichlids?
orted African cichlids usually encomp a pretty limited selection of fish. The yellow labs, of course. Also included are usually a few types of zebras, johanni, auratus, kennyi, crabro, socolofi, and sometimes acei, venustus, and fuellerborni. Occasionally you'll get other varieties, but these are the most common
What are the arguments for war presented by Krishna to Arjuna in the "Bhagavad Gita"?
Other than that fulfilling dharma and that life never starts nor ends and rebirth is constant so life is never destroyed.
Is it possible to change this word file back to its original?
No, since it is rich text format all of the original information is gone. Another way to get the correct words in there would be to study and type them in yourself. I think that is the point of the exam.
Do the ons at a crosswalk really have any affect on the duration of the traffic light?
I heard that in some towns they found that the ons never even had any sort of electronics put in them and quite frankly it never seems to have any affect when used. So, are the ons at the crosswalks functional in any way?
Is this a good idea for my boyfriend.. for Christmas?
yeah thats pretty cool coming from a fourteen year old guy here...but instead of axe you should buy him old spice
White coating on tongue that won't come off....what is it?
do you have a dry mouth? could be lack of saliva washing away bacteria in your mouth. check out biotene. you can find it at walmart. comes in toothpates,mouth washes and more. i'd try that if i were you. its worth a shot.
Something wrong in the pc when I try to turn it on ?
Is my earring infected?
It's normal to be sore and swollen for a few days or weeks after getting pierced. Afterall you got a needle pushed through your skin. If you got it done by a pro and you're cleaning it twice a day you should be fine. After a little while you won't be able to tell it's there it might just hurt a bit if you touch it. When it's healed it shouldn't hurt at all. If you get increased pain and green discharge it may be infected but should go away after cleaning it extra well for a couple of days. Sea salt soaks are best (google it) and a drop of pure tea tree oil in the water can also really help if you've got an infection. But its probably not infected now, it's new so it's expected to hurt a bit and be swollen. Sometimes piercings just get irritated too. Infections usually mean an increase of pain and a green/odd discharge (white or yellowish crusties are normal). Just keep the cleaning up and you'll be fine.
What do you think of this scene (sorry for multiple post)?
ok, when you say whatever lesson he had had second lesson, say whatever cl he had second period. It just matches the way it sounds today. I also think you should either take out or shorten the part where you talk about the teacher making diagrams and you copying notes. Other than that, it was interesting, i kinda want to know what happens next, it was good.
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